Writing and Editing Resources

Collections of resources related to writing, editing, conscious language, representation, and more

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Latest blog post: Rabbit with a Red Pen Is Five!

I reflect on the lessons I've learned, the surreal moments I've experienced, and some of the favorite things I've done for my business over the last five years.


  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Grammar, Punctuation, and Style"

    Grammar, Punctuation, and Style

    Resources that help you nail down the finer points of writing

    Included topics: capitalization in fiction, punctuation marks, and commonly confused words

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Writing and Dialogue Tips"

    Writing and Dialogue Tips

    Resources that offer tips to strengthen your writing and dialogue

    Included topics: filter words in fiction, point of view, and punctuating dialogue

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Editing Insights"

    Editing Insights

    Resources that provide information on self-editing and what it’s like to have your work edited

    Included topics: the costs of professional editing, myths about editing, and common fiction edits

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Being an Editor"

    Being an Editor

    Resources that give insight into what it’s like to be an editor and to run an editing business

    Included topics: style sheets, the magic of Word macros, and frequently asked questions about becoming a professional editor

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Conscious and Inclusive Language"

    Conscious and Inclusive Language

    Resources that help you challenge bias and craft language intentionally

    Included topics: ableist language, gendered language, and web accessibility

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Representation and Authenticity Reading"

    Representation and Authenticity Reading

    Resources that explore why accurate representation matters

    Included topics: writing outside your identities, authenticity (sensitivity) reading, and writing mental illness

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Indie Author Interviews"

    Indie Author Interviews

    Resources that share the self-publishing experiences of authors

    Included topics: interviews with Amber Byers, Jordan Riley Swan, and Ken Lozito

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Paid Courses and Resources"

    Paid Courses and Resources

    Resources that go more in-depth and beyond what’s offered here for free

    Included topics: Conscious Language Toolkits for Editors and for Writers; EFA course on Editing for Conscious and Inclusive Language

  • A red, white, gray, and blue graphic that says "Ko-fi Shop"

    Ko-fi Shop

    Visit my Ko-fi shop for free downloadable resources based on my blog posts, such as a tip sheet on hyphens and dashes. You can also support my work by buying me coffee. Always optional, but always appreciated!